Selecting a Picking Order

Any open picking order in your system is available for IntelliTrack Mobile picking.

An order is selected from the Select Order form.

  1. From the main Picking Order form, in the Order No. field, tap the browse button Browse button.

Picking screen - Header tab

  1. The Select Order form appears. At the Select Order form, you will select the order.

Select Order screen

  1. Select from all orders: leave the Search by field blank and click the Search iconSearch icon.
    1. All open orders will appear in the form.

Select Order screen with Orders

  1. Search by Order No: click the drop-down arrow in the Search by field and select Order No. from the list that appears.

Select Order screen - Search by drop-down list options

  1. To search for a specific order number, enter the order number in the Search by field.
  1. Next, click the Search iconSearch icon.
  2. The selected order is loaded in the form, if it exists in the system as an open order.

Select Order screen - Specific Order Loaded Onscreen

  1. Search by Customer: click the drop-down arrow in the Search by field and select Customer from the list that appears.

Select Order screen - Search by field drop-down list

  1. To search for orders assigned to a specific customer, enter the customer in the Search by field.
  1. Next, select the Search iconSearch icon.
  2. All open orders assigned to this customer are loaded in the form.

Select Order screen - Orders for Specific Customer Loaded Onscreen

  1. Once orders populate the form, an order may be selected for picking.
  2. To select an order, highlight it and then tap the Select icon Select icon.

Select Order screen - Orders for selected customers loaded onscreen

  1. The Select Order form closes and you are automatically returned to the main order form.
  1. The order number and customer information are automatically placed in the Header tab according to the order that you selected.

Picking screen - Header tab - Order No. selected

  1. Order No: the order number that was selected at the Select Order form is automatically placed in this field.
  1. Customer: the customer assigned to the selected order is automatically placed in this field.
  2. Ship To: the ship-to address selected for this customer is automatically placed in this field; if this field is blank, a ship-to address has not been assigned to this order.
  3. To pick an item from this order, go to the Details tab; see "Picking an Item" for more information.